
Land Stories

….And so it is, as the people begin to look out on the horizon, they notice activity there on that line but are not quite able to make out what is happening. They might be able to see something is afoot, by the dust billows behind tractors dragging seventy foot cultivators or by the infrequent person traversing hard scrabble hilltops or rich, loamy flats. But the character….

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Andrea HeideLand Stories
Humble Food: Hamburger Soup

My gran was not given to poetry.  I think there were things at certain times of her life that squeezed it out and she was too busy doing the doing.  I don't know that she ever would have got into the swing of things, appreciating lines and words, moseying around the confluences of sound and idea.  But she did have a way with a phrase.  Simple, pointed, got the message across, right away.  She was not a woman of subtleties.  Except for this one time.  

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Andrea Heide
Spring Run

Spring has arrived in a slow, unsteady way.  There has been no big glut of warm and sunny weather bringing the grass up and all the birds swooping in. 

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Andrea Heide

…. If I'm doing anything at all, it's this; I want to contribute to people slowing down, raising their eyes off the ground, looking up to see huge horizons, to breathe a little slower.  Seeking connection between each other, making room for each other in our lives, stopping to realize this world is about

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Andrea HeideProcess